Entries by Ken Gibert

Thank You for Signing Up

Thank you for signing up for information from Your Legal Leg Up. As you know, our mission is to give regular people everything they need to beat the debt collectors and protect what they own. We plan to give you some important information that will help you get or keep things under control and keep […]

Please sign up for notifications

All members should by now have received an invitation or confirmation – I’m not sure what it will be called – which you need to click in order to receive emails from us. This is not a marketing device and won’t lead to a lot of commercials. Instead, it will allow us to send you […]

Rule 11 Federal Rules Civil Procedure

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Eleven (11) is the main rule in federal proceedings governing the  motives and actions of lawyers as to the content of what they say. Here are the all the rules, but below is Rule 11. Every state (as far as I know) has a rule comparable to this rule, and […]

I Only Have Social Security and They’re Suing – What do I do?

What You Should Do if You Only Have Social Security You will find a lot of material on our site addressing this question. It really boils down to two things: what does it cost to fight? And what does it cost if you lose? What it Costs if you Lose The good news is that, […]

They’re Suing Me for A Lot – Won’t they Fight Harder?

For a copy of this article in pdf form, click here: why amount does not matter Why the Amount the Debt Collector is Suing You For (Almost) Doesn’t Matter From a normal consumer’s point of view, the threat posed by a suit for $500 or $1,000 is very, very different from one for $25,000 or […]

Should I Buy Your Motion for Summary Judgment Pack?

When Do you Need the Motion for Summary Judgment Pack? If the other side has filed a motion for summary judgment against you and you want to defend only, you should get the Motion for Summary Judgment Defense Pack. If the other side has filed a motion for summary judgment against you, and you want […]

Should I Buy Your Motion to Dismiss Pack?

Short Answer: Only if you need to file a motion to dismiss. Long Answer – As follows: When Should One Purchase our Motion to Dismiss Pack? A lot of people buy our Motion to Dismiss Pack on the theory that they want the case against them to go away. It isn’t as simple as that. […]

They’re Suing Me and My Spouse

What to Do when Collectors Sue both Spouses It often happens that a debt collector will sue both spouses – either for the debts of one of them, or if they both signed up for the account or made charges on it. Our materials will obviously help in this case, but the question is what […]

They’re Suing me and my Business, Can and Should I Defend?

We get this question a lot because people borrowing money for their businesses usually have to offer personal guarantees. Then if the loan goes sour, someone sues the owner and the business. Suing Your Corporation This issue does not normally arise where the business is either a sole proprietorship or a partnership, because these entities […]

Do Our Materials Work against Original Creditors

Do Your Materials Work for Cases against Original Creditors? Yes. When I represented clients in these cases, there used to be a more significant difference between original creditors and junk debt buyers. We’ve written a lot about the differences between original creditors and debt buyers. They boil down into two things: you are more likely […]