Debt Collection Articles
Debt collection is a multi-faceted problem, starting with debt collection calls and letters, moving on to litigation, and graduating, you might say, to credit reporting issues. All these things can happen at the same time, but it can help to consider them in a sort of time-line. Lots of things can be happening at the same time, though, and sometimes the debt collectors skip steps and go straight to filing a law suit against you. To find something specific you can use the site-search box.
Many of our articles and videos are publicly available. We mark member-only material with an asterisk “*”. You will find it much easier to use even the public information in conjunction with membership. Teleconferences give you a chance to ask specific questions as well as more general questions about strategy.
A few Things Everyone Needs to Know
Debt Verification – An Important Right
Can Debt Collectors Garnish your Wages?
*Affidavits – What they are and How to Make One
Assessing Risk and Value in Debt Suits – What’s Your Case worth to THEM?
Assignment Contracts – a Holy Grail for Debt Defendants
Basic Procedures in Litigation
*Giving Notice of Actions involving court
An Approach to Negotiations with the Other Side
Is there a Silver Bullet in Debt Defense?
How to Sue a Debt Collector and Why you Should Consider it
Ways they Might Try to Scare You – Accuse you of Raising “Frivolous” Claims
Some Things you Should Know before Settling
*The Easiest Way to Do Legal Research
Defending Yourself from the Debt Collectors
The Importance of Counterclaims
Debt Collectors often Use False Affidavits
Debt Collector Sample Petitions
General Introduction to Discovery
Conducting Discovery in Debt Litigation Cases
*Conducting Discovery in Debt Defense, Pt. 1 – (“Strike first and fast”)
*Conducting Discovery in Debt Defense Pt. 2
*Conducting Discovery in Debt Defense Pt. 3
Making them Answer Discovery (on Motions to Compel)
*Rule Mandated Discovery (“Mandatory Disclosures”)
Depositions in Debt Litigation (both taking and receiving – a big series of videos, including sample questions to ask)
*Good Faith Letters before Motions to Compel
Requests for Admissions – Asking and Responding
Alternative Dispute Dispute Resolution
*Arbitration and Mediation – How they work, what they do
Mediation in Pro Se Debt Cases – Don’t Lose your Shirt
*What to Expect Your First Time in Court (Your first day is probably not a trial, but some sort of pretrial or scheduling hearing – but you need to make sure)
Debt Defense Trial Issues (a collection of trial and evidence-oriented resources)
*You Must Object (to Bad Evidence, to Keep it out)
*The Rule Against Hearsay – As Close to a Silver Bullet as you’re Likely to Get
*Understanding the Business Records Exception (to the Rule against Hearsay)
Post Trial Matters
Motion for More Definite Statement
*How to Argue Motions in Court
State-Specific Materials