Student Loan Resources

Historically, we have not focused much on student loans despite the large number of people needing help. We do think, however, that we can offer some help after all. Our free report on Student Loans discusses the law in great detail and gives a few strategies for dealing with student loans both before you sign up for them and after they become problematic. Here we offer some help understanding the law and effect of student loans, and some possible sources of help at the payment stage.

See below for information on defending yourself in student debt legal defense.

Link to a Loan Calculator

We have no connection to this calculator, but it will allow you to put in payment terms (number and interest rate) and determine how much money you could borrow; or it can help you take the loan principle and figure out how much you will have to pay – over a length of time you can set – to pay it off. In other words, this program lets you get a realistic handle on the amount of blood, sweat and tears your educational loan will cost. We hope it makes you take a hard look at the universities and their tuition rates.

Help for Those with problems paying their Student Loans

The materials on this page are designed to help people who are in their loan repayment stage but unsure how to make payments. They are also an extremely good idea for people who are about to enter their loan repayment stage regardless of whether they are currently experiencing financial difficulties. In other words, there is great advantage to knowing this stuff before you need it.

  • beat the debt collectors

Student Debt Legal Defense

Student debt has been the bane of an entire generation, and the banks, government, and courts have made a devil’s bargain to keep it that way. But the situation is not completely hopeless.


The thing to remember with student debt is that, while most of it started with a bank, almost all of it has ended up in the hands of the federal government. The FDCPA won’t apply, but the basic rules of litigation still do. That means that whoever is suing you – if that’s what is happening – has still got to follow the rules of evidence and prove its case. And being a debt buyer instead of original creditor, the plaintiff will still have some trouble proving its case.

And perhaps most hopefully, because of the scale involved, the law firms bringing these suits are acting in every bit the same factory-like way that other debt collectors do. Thus if you use our usual methods of defense you will have a decent chance of winning. I say “decent” chance because the government has stacked the deck in certain ways and often does have the evidence it needs, but I keep hearing from people who have used our materials and won. So it is possible that our materials and strategies work just as well against student loan debt collectors as others.

And certainly you will increase your chances of winning, or of settling at some reasonable amount, by fighting the lawsuit.


The law of bankruptcy is not very hopeful regarding student debt. It is quite discouraging at the moment, although there seems to be a political movement afoot to improve that situation. As it currently stands, however, bankruptcy law requires that, in order to achieve relief from a student loan, the debtor must show that paying the loan would require an “undue hardship.” And some courts have been almost unbelievably harsh and destructive regarding what would constitute undue hardship.

The law varies from federal circuit to federal circuit, but it isn’t great anywhere.

If there is a silver lining to the travesty of student loan bankruptcy law, it is that currently only about 1% of people with student loan debt even bother to seek bankruptcy relief – it could happen much more often if people would at least try. Yet the path is hard and very uncertain. Still, in some jurisdictions, the courts are much more sympathetic than others, so I would suggest that if this is an issue for you, you should discover which jurisdiction has the best law and consider moving there.

Our rather lengthy report on student debt law might be helpful in assessing the status of the law in various jurisdictions.