Coaching and Training Others
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Hey there! This content is available to MEMBERS only! Consider registering for an account.
Do you agree with us that debt collection is a social justice issue? Would you like to help us get the word out? Well, now you can, and you can make money doing it. You can use the affiliation program either together with the coaching program or by itself. It’s pretty simple: you refer people to us, and if they get the Debt Defense System and membership, you get a percentage. And if you refer a lot of people, you get more per referral.
If you want to coach, you will also receive some special assistance with that along with the affiliation program and guidance.
We have excellent products, and you can make comissions on all of them. They’re backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. Our main product – the Debt Defense System – is also backed by our teleconferences as well. The teleconferences occur at least weekly and allow members to call and speak in real time with a member of the Your Legal Leg Up staff and other members in real time. It is a resource unique among web products, a real in-person service will provide specific answers to the specific questions that always arise during litigation.
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