We offer several reports that will help you see things more clearly.
Library of Reports
Often when a person faces debt problems, it comes up in one or two specific ways, and you’re not sure exactly what to do or even what the nature of the problem is or whom to trust. Our philosophy at YourLegalLegUp is that you can trust yourself – – after you have the right information. Everybody else you talk to, from the debt collectors who are harassing you, to the lawyer you call or meet and pay to help you, has an axe to grind. You are the only person who has only your best interest at heart.
Even if you eventually decide to hire a lawyer, you will still be responsible for the most important decisions, and you need to inform yourself so that you can do that. And of course you need information to decide whether to hire a lawyer or not and which one to hire. You can find a lot of information on many topics at this site, but sometimes you need a more in-depth report.That’s where these reports come in. They’ll help you know what you’re doing in these vital areas of your life.
Special Reports
Got Debt? First of a series of reports on the debt collection process – an overview that helps you start preparing for litigation at an earlier, more effective, time.
Post Judgment Collection Second of a series of reports on the debt collection process. Explains the four main types of property seizure and how to protect yourself.
Considering Bankruptcy Third of a series of reports on the debt collection process. Explains the costs, risks and possible benefits of the bankruptcy process. Will give you an understanding of the way the bankruptcy process work.
Do You Need a Lawyer When You’re Sued for Debt? People being sued are naturally scared and intimidated, but do you need a lawyer? and what if you can’t afford one? This report helps you figure out how to decide whether or not to hire a lawyer when you’re being sued for debt.
Hiring a Lawyer When You’re Sued for Debt If you’ve decided to hire a lawyer, now you need to figure out how to do it. What questions do you ask? and what do you look for in a debt defense lawyer? This report helps you find the right lawyer for you.
What if (I think) I Really Owe? What if you think you owe somebody the money the debt collector claims you owe it? What are your moral obligations and what are the practical questions you should ask? This report helps answer those questions.
What to Do if You Get Sued for Debt What are the specific steps to take if you get sued? This video tells you the things you need to consider in the order you need to do them.