State-Specific Materials
This will be a long-term project, as we begin to write more articles that will address issues that arise in specific states. Frankly, these pages are designed for Search-Engine Optimization purposes, and most of the info will be linked to from other, more obvious places.
You may find this article about state statutes of limitations and the table of state laws helpful as well.
State Pages
Our state-specific products (so far)
California Bill of Particulars Pack – Californians have a tool, halfway between pleadings and discovery, that can force debt collectors to provide all the information you need to defend yourself from most of their claims. The bill of particulars will often make them drop all or part of their case – or to give you what you need to hammer them in court.
Pennsylvania Silver Bullet Pack – a great product that will stop most debt collectors – and a lot of other bad guys too – in Pennsylvania.