Types of Membership
We have three levels of membership that should allow you to choose the kind of services you want to receive and the way you want to pay for them. Generally speaking, Gold Membership gets you into the teleconferences and a discount on materials you will likely need as you proceed. Platinum Membership gives you the teleconferences plus the motions packs and some other materials you are likely to need free. And Diamond Membership gives you the benefits of the other memberships plus other materials you will find helpful in litigation.
Gold Litigation Membership
Gold Litigation Membership begins with the basics: our Debt Defense Manual, two teleconferences per week, and access to our extensive Member-only Section. We also have an extensive collection of publicly available (free) articles and videos.
If you are being sued for a debt, either by a debt buyer or original creditor, this is the basic package that you need. You get more more materials, and wider coverage, with the Platinum and Diamond memberships, but the Gold Litigation Membership should be all you need to start beating the debt collectors if they’re suing you.
Gold Members receive a 25% discount (that will be refunded to you after purchase) off any products, including our First Response Kit and the motions packs. These will save you a lot of time and help make sure you get everything about these crucial aspects of your litigation right.
As a bonus, you will receive our report: Three Weaknesses almost Every Debt Collector Has, for free.
How You Purchase
You buy by clicking on “Register” under “About Memberships” in the main menu and choosing the level of membership you want.
Click here for a more complete description of the Gold Litigation Membership.
Gold Credit Repair Membership
Gold Credit Repair Membership is like the Gold Litigation Membership – for credit repair. You get the Credit Repair Manual, two teleconferences per week, and access to the document bank as well as access to member-only articles and videos.
If you’re trying to restore your credit report and rating, these are the materials you will need.
You will also receive, as a special bonus, our Report: “Take Control of your Life.”
Click here for a more complete description of the Gold Credit Repair Membership.
Gold Debt Negotiation Membership
If you have built up some debt, whether you’re being harassed or threatened with suit or not you may want to negotiate to reduce that debt and head off future troubles. If that’s your situation, you’ll want our Debt Negotiation Membership. That provides the Debt Negotiation and Settlement Manual, two teleconferences per week, and access to our document bank and member-only materials.
You will also receive, as a bonus, access to the prepaid debt litigation defense program that we sponsor (but do not provide, as it provides both a centrally based information bank and free lawyers throughout almost the entire United States). This has its own subscription cost, and we can give you a discount off of that cost.
Click here for a more complete description of the Gold Debt Negotiation Membership.
Platinum Memberships
Platinum Memberships give you everything the Gold Memberships gives and more.
You will receive our
- Litigation Manual,
- Debt Negotiation and Settlement Manual, and
- Credit Repair Manual, along with
- the Reports: Three Weaknesses Almost Every Debt Collector Has, and Take Control of your Life; and
- A discount off the cost of the prepaid legal program, if you order it from us.
Platinum Members receive a 25% discount (that will be refunded to you after purchase) off any products, including our First Response Kit and the motions packs. These will save you a lot of time These will save you a lot of time and help make sure you get everything about these crucial aspects of your litigation right.
How You Purchase
You buy by clicking on “Register” under “About Memberships” in the main menu and choosing the level of membership you want.
Click here for a fuller description of the Platinum Membership.
Diamond Memberships
Diamond memberships include everything the Platinum memberships do, plus extra advantages as well. Diamond membership is for people who take an extra interest in debt law, either because they are insatiably curious, or because they are coaching or helping others. To help deepen your knowledge, we will have additional teleconferences for Diamonds (as needed) where we will go further into questions of strategy and coaching.
You will also receive the ecourses we create for free, as well as an ebook, Special Issues in Debt Litigation – which used to be a rather long book but is in the process of being recreated as a series of ebooks, our situation packages (i.e., the Motions Packs, etc.) and all of our special situation reports (for example, Got Debt?, What if I (think I) Really Owe?, an all the others) for free. And you will also get copies of all other materials we create for the Your Legal Leg Up product list.
Diamond Members receive a 50% discount (that will be refunded to you after purchase) off any products, including our First Response Kit and the motions packs. These will save you a lot of time and worry and will help you get everything right on these crucial parts of litigation.
How You Purchase
You buy by clicking on “Register” under “About Memberships” in the main menu and choosing the level of membership you want.
Click here for a more complete description of the Diamond membership program.