The solution to the advantages debt collectors have when they bring suit against people who can’t afford lawyers.
Why People Being Sued for Debt “Gotta Go Gold”
If you’ve seen many of my materials, you probably know that most debt collectors begin litigation against consumers without the evidence they need or even any idea whether that evidence might exist. Still, they file tens of thousands of suits and usually win. This is because most people don’t fight back, of course. But even if you do fight back you start with some obstacles that make the whole process more difficult for you than the debt collectors.
Or memberships were designed to negate those advantages and give you the leg up you need to win.
The Institutional Advantages of the Debt Collectors are:
- familiarity with the cases and law
- the ability to handle them in “bulk;”
- associations with other lawyers for moral and physical support and information; and
- document banks of files that can be easily changed to apply to your case.
You have some advantages, too, though. The case means more to you than it does to the debt collector, and so it makes sense for you to work harder than they do. And if you do defend yourself (with a little help), you will likely expose the weaknesses of their case – namely that they lack the evidence (which in many cases does not exist at all) they need to prove their case against you. And even if the evidence can be found, your fighting back will probably make the case too expensive for the debt collectors to want to keep chasing you. Thus they very often will drop the case and walk away from you.
The new memberships are designed to help you neutralize the advantages of the debt collector while exploiting your advantages with less trouble, annoyance, and anxiety.
How Membership Neutralizes the Advantages of the Debt Collectors
The advantage of familiarity is largely a factor of experience and so cannot be directly neutralized, but to offset that lack of experience, the memberships provide greater access to videos, to the staff at YourLegalLegUp, to member forums and, soon, to member associations where members can trade stories about their cases (and the companies suing them – often identical, always similar). The sense of solidarity can break down the sense of isolation that so many of my customers and clients have related to me.
The member-only communications, along with other improvements in our website, allow a greater sharing of “breaking” news and will make it possible for Your Legal Leg Up to discover new debt collector tricks and spread word of them much more quickly to members, as well as to monitor and communicate what the courts are doing. Thus members will have an on-going source of information comparable to or better than what the debt collection lawyers have.
The new member-forums and teams (that are being developed) will allow members to contact each other to share ideas and success stories, and to provide actual, material assistance to each other. A lot of times people learn more when they’re trying to help someone else, and a lot of times helping someone else is so fulfilling in itself that it will help detoxify the whole experience for members.
And finally, we now make our document banks available to members so that they can choose from a collection of possible arguments and cut and paste some of the documents they need to prepare. Of course this won’t completely nullify the debt collectors’ time advantage. In the very early stages of the debt litigation the debt collectors will still be handling your case on a “bulk” case basis, but as the case moves to the discovery phase, the time advantage will shift to you because, as I have often pointed out, lawyers are always “on the clock,” and if they have to spend significant time on your case it rapidly becomes unprofitable.
You will still spend more time on your case than they do – because they don’t really care whether they win or not – they know most people will just give up. You have to care, because it’s your money they have in their sights.Debt collection lawyers typically charge at least $200 per hour of time. How long would you work for $200? We’ll help you work smarter, too.
Gold Membership provides the basics of what you need, as already outlined. You get:
- Access to our constantly expanding library of member-only videos (a $149.00 value);
- Regular communications from our team regarding new opportunities and developments;
- Access to the Document Bank – our collection of battle-tested litigation documents (a $200+ value at least, but not available to anybody other than members at any price);
- Special, membership access to our expert staff at Your Legal Leg Up to answer questions (priceless); and
- Free attendance at our weekly telephone conferences where you can ask questions and hear others ask theirs – a great source of ideas and inspiration.
You will also gain access to the Gold Member Home Page, where you will find special announcements, links to new member-only videos, and updates of any materials you have purchased – all free during the time of your membership. Plus you get unannounced bonuses.