Please sign up for notifications
All members should by now have received an invitation or confirmation – I’m not sure what it will be called – which you need to click in order to receive emails from us. This is not a marketing device and won’t lead to a lot of commercials. Instead, it will allow us to send you reminders of teleconferences, time changes… and other member-related updates.
Future members will get this automatically when they sign up.
Why can’t I log in
If you are a member and having trouble logging in, contact me at
I just signed up and want to verify that I am active on this site.
Let me know if you ever have trouble getting in.
Im getting sued, need to respind by Wednesday, i thought if i rehistered i would get the kit to respond. I just learned i have to buy, its not included in the membership.
The answer won’t be a problem for you, but there is more that needs to be done. Come to a teleconference! There’s one tomorrow night.
Just joined this valiant community this evening. I am very much looking forward towards learning, as well as contributing in any way that I am able as time goes on. Thank you so very much Ken for creating this forum and tremendous legal service to the community at large! Please enroll me for any and all notifications that involves this service. I am all in. And again, thank you and hello to all.
Hello, I just joined. How do I find out when the next teleconference will be held?
Sent you an email. You hover over the “about memberships” and log in. Then go to the appropriate member home page and look at information on teleconferences.
I trust you’ve gotten one now! Sometimes it takes a while to get official notification when you join, but you should log in and go to your membership home page – that’s where the good stuff is.