Your Legal Leg Up has been helping ordinary people fight back against debt collectors since 2008. We can help you, too.
The first, most important step to beating the debt collectors is to choose to fight. Debt collectors win most of the lawsuits they win because people give up, either by failing to show up at all, or by showing up to give up – calling the debt collector to arrange for payments or showing up at court to do the same thing. Instead, you can fight.
It isn’t that hard. You have very little to lose and a lot to win. And a good chance to win, too. Let us show you how. Click here for more on why you should fight. Remember, though, that if you’re already being sued, you need to act fast.
The best way is to join. That way you get all our on-line resources and access to all our articles and videos for free. You also get our teleconferences, also for free, for the duration of your membership. You can ask us questions, hear strategy, get suggestions and explanations – everything you need to have your best chance against the debt collectors.
If you’re ready to join now, just click on the membership sign-up page. Or take a look at some of the materials we have for free by going to our articles and videos or doing a site search for something specific.